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Why do you let the system stump on your heart?

heart, listen, peace of mind, inner self, moment, freedom, humanity, community, band, music, love

heart, listen, peace of mind, inner self, moment, freedom, humanity, community, band, music, love

Dear heart,

I am crying from the inside when I see how we, Human Beings are not aware of our own FREEDOM. We accept living in a system that completely control's our freedom and worst of all
stump on our hearts. We work. we sacrifice our-self, our health, our time to pay a home.

What if this home was already there. What if all human beings had a safety net without the need for struggle.

How much more love, energy and freedom would be flowing around us. How much more time would we have for our loved ones. How much more creative could we be. How much more would we smile. How much more could we contribute to society, our world and mother earth. How much closer to World Peace would we get.

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